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Gandhi with his lathi (Stick) and the peace and non violence in hearth has a major role in freeing India from the British rule way before more than 6 decades ago. Also, United Nations general assembly had announce that every 2nd of October will be celebrated as the International Day for non violence before a decade.

Even today his teachings has been taken in to consideration for getting better solutions through peace and non violence. Mahatma Gandhi always had truth and the duty in his heart. His philosophy of life for peace, truth and non violence played a huge role in conquering the Britishers rule on incredible India.

Gandhi was a man of values who had simple tastes, simple dressing and had solid vision for India’s freedom. There are many books, Mahatma Gandhi biography on and philosophies written on Mahatma Gandhi. Student sings poems and national songs based on the Gandhi’s beliefs and philosophies.

Besides all these things, Gandhi taught people of India to make their own cloths and wear. For that he taught the Indian people for how to make their own custom cloths through the looms and traditional hand spinning wheels.

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